Technorati Profile

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Technorati-A Great Place to Publicize Your Blog

copyright: Deborah Bowman

I just came from the Technorati website. If you are looking for some great places to link to your blog and get your name out there, this is one of the places. I know there are many more places to place your link. I'm going to research these before I put any posts about them. I will let everyone know which ones are good and which ones aren't so good. I'm looking for places where you can put your link for free. It's always nice to save money when you can.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


copyright: Deborah Bowman

Today I have decided to come back permanently. I have not been posting regularly. Life has been very busy.

Since my last post I have discovered something that I think is very very good. I wish I had discovered this much earlier, as I would not have wasted so much money.

Don't get me wrong, the other businesses are not bad businesses nor are they scams, but this business is just so much easier on the pocket book and bank account. It allows for the average person, or someone who is low on money to make a very small investment for $9.97 to access a wealth of information on how to market an internet business successfully.

The Purple Cowboys have step-by-step training right from the internet and all three of them are available at all times to talk with you and help with whatever you need help with. There are also numerous training calls throughout the week.

The Purple Cowboys 997MakeMoneyNow have also put together a system whereby they have the 997MakeMoneyNow business as an "A" business. They have three "B" businesses which provide three sources of income coming in every month. Then they have a "C" business which I would call the heart of the system that in time will provide very very lucrative residual income. The kind of income that will take care of you for a lifetime. The "B" businesses will also do this, but they start very small and eventually have the potential of getting very large. The "B" businesses are also very very affordable for the average person, although, from the experiences I've had in the past, the "C" business is fractions less than what I am used too.

If a person wants to join the Purple Cowboys, all they have to do is pay $9.97 and they are in to access the entire system and training. If they decide they want to participate the way the entire system is set up with the "A", "B", and "C" businesses, that is their own decision. A person can utilize the system any way they desire. The marketing training can be used in any business, not just The Purple Cowboys. That is part of the beauty of it.

When I go into it, I was skeptical. I didn't want to waste any more money. But I thought, for $9.97? I've lost more than that in the past. So I paid my $9.97 and when I started the checklist and saw how it was set up, I "got it" immediately. I definitely see how the entire system, when used properly will build amazing income.

This is definitely not a get rich quick scheme. You have to work at it everyday and apply what the Purple Cowboys teach, or it won't work. Let's face it, you have to work to get what you want in life,but this way gives all of us freedom. This program is a people program, not a "let's get everyone we know in our deal" program. This is a program that develops relationships, not numbers.

I have been having a good time with the training and learning and applying. Three people have joined me in the two weeks I have been with the Purple Cowboys. I really am loving it.

If you have been wondering what home business you may want to check out. I would highly recommend 997 MakeMoneyNow, The Purple Cowboys. For $9.97, it is completely worth it, no risk and if nothing else, you will access a fantastic education in marketing. Most businesses fail not because they don't have a great product. You can have the most awesome product on the market, but if you don't know how to market, you won't have a business to market that fantastic product!

I'll keep posting on my progress. I really am enjoying it!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

3 Ways To Stay Motivated When You Own Your Own Home-Based Business

copywright: Deborah Bowman

It is easy to slowly become unmotivated when you own a home-based business of your own.

As the newness and excitement of having your own home-based business wears off, do you find that the day to day activities set in and things become repetitive, even monotonous at times? Do you find yourself getting a little too used to the comfort of not having to rise at 5:00 or 6:00 am, then rush out of the house to face a morning nightmare in traffic? Do you find yourself sleeping “just a little longer” each day? Are you finding that any little distraction sets you off track and at the end of the day, you wonder why you didn’t accomplish what you had intended or that your to-do list grows longer each day, while your list of completed items is shrinking? You wonder why your motivation is dying a slow painful death?

The first thing you should do is find a nice quiet place where you can sit down with a notebook and pen and re-evaluate. Why did you want your own home-based business in the first place? Was it because you wanted more time with your family and children? Were you tired of spending more time fighting traffic each day than you had to do anything else? Did you want to be your own boss? Were you tired of others telling you what your time was worth and how much you would get paid? What about the overtime? These are just some reasons, and there are probably dozens more.

Once you remember your original reasons or your whys that you started your business, write all of them down.

The second step you want to take is thinking of all of the short-term and long-term goals you have, but instead of thinking of short-term first, begin with the end in mind. Imagine your business up and running and success is in the palm of your hand. You are financially free at last and you can finally do what you want whenever you want. Start running your business today as if you were going to sell it tomorrow. What do you see as the end result?

After you’ve written down your goals, you might want to design a dream board or a goal board and keep it in a place where you can see it as soon as you rise in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. Or, you might want to design some small goal cards and place them where you spend time during the course of your day and in your pocket, purse or wallet.

The third thing you want to do is ask yourself the following questions: What is your intention? What do you and your family deserve out of life? What do you want for yourself? What do you want now? What do you want for your future? What was your intention in the beginning? Has it changed? Write down all of your answers.

After you’ve gotten clear on everything and have everything written on paper, put it away until the next day. Let it sink in for a while.

The next morning, take it out and look at it again. Make revisions if necessary. Go through this process everyday. Make this an important part of your day. As time goes on, make necessary changes and keep updating. This will keep you motivated. Don’t let it get away from you! Stay focused and, above all, don’t forget your original motivation. Don’t ever lose sight of your whys!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Global Cash Flow Network - A New Innovative Home-Based Business

About one month ago, I was on the internet and found a very unique and different business opportunity. The business is called Global Cashflow Network and is all about marketing and media promotion. I was very interested in this because I knew that one of the 3 main reasons most businesses fail is lack of successful marketing strategies. Presently, I am involved with a few different home businesses, all of which I am having trouble promoting and marketing.

Within this month alone I realize that I have accessed a wealth of information getting involved with Global Cash Flow Network. Not only is the education very useful for the program itself, it can be applied to any business, online and offline. The bonus tools alone are worth thousands of dollars. I'm progressing very steadily, following the instructions in the program, learning and applying all of the strategies and I have received a total of $110 so far. That's the most I have received in any program within the first month. If I had the time to go at it full time, I probably would have earned more. I still have a long way to go. I haven't even started the link builder tutorial yet. I am half way through the faster webmaster tutorials.

My eyes seem to open wider everyday with the everything I am learning. When I am through with my initial checklist, of which I am a little more than half way through, I will be a Certified Media Placement Specialist and receive a certificate. If you would like more information on this program follow this link: GCFN